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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-2 | Issue-06
A Biometric based Software Solution for E-Voting using networking
Nathan David, Daberechi Ubachukwu, Hyacinth Ijomanta, Chukwuebuka Gil-Ozoudeh
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 874-881
The problem of voting in Nigeria is still critical in terms of safety and security. This paper deals with the
design and implementation of a software based voting system using fingerprint authentication in order to provide a high
performance with high security to the voting system. The design incorporates a database which holds the personal data of
every registered voter, the Graphic User Interface (GUI) which provides a user friendly interface. The proposed EVM
also allows the voters to scan their fingerprint for authentication, which is then matched with an already saved image
within a database. The software is implemented completely as a .NET managed code in C# programming language with
database Microsoft SQL Server support. Upon completion of the voting process, the results from the different polling
centre are uploaded to a central server for verification and onward publishing using a website that is accessible by all. At
the end of this work, we hope that the proposed electronic voting machine which is fast, efficient and fraud-free can be
adopted for the conduction of elections.