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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-01
Optimal Cross-Layer Routing in 802.16 Mesh Networks With Different Classes of Service
Yevsyeyeva Oksana, Al-AzzawiEssaMohammed
Published: Jan. 15, 2015 | 182 124
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 21-32
Permanent interest in wireless mesh networks can be explained by their fast and easy deployment, selfconfiguring, self-healing, and large covered area. Substantially the advantages are related to possibility of every meshstation to work as end- terminal and as transit node at same time. In turn the capability gives rise to set of problems one from which is routing. In order to improve network efficiency and in compliance with next generation network’s concept routing must be optimal, adaptive, QoS-based and take into account underlying link layer. Whereas IEEE 802.16mesh networks are based on TDMA/OFDM the routing problem must be solved jointly with slot allocation. The article offers dynamic mathematical model of IEEE 802.16 mesh network in space of state that allows to formulate cross-layer routing as constrained optimization problem taking into account requirements to bandwidth and delay of traffic delivery. Model is aimed at slot reuse and multipath forwarding. As a result it allow to improve network productivity up on 30-100% legacy single path delivering.