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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-01
Hydrochemical characterization of Katana thermals waters, Lake Kivu watershed
Bagalwa M. L, Bagalwa M. J. J, Karume K
Published: Jan. 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 98-103
Thermal water springs are considered to be important natural sources. Studies was done in the region
concerning the geology, geophysics, hydrochemistry but no was concentrated on the hydro-chemical characteristics of
thermal water in Katana region. A large number of chemical analysis of Katana thermal spring waters were evaluated in
order to identify the major chemical characteristics and investigate the origin of thermal waters. This could demonstrate
the hydrochemical homogeneity or diversity at the scale of the region and the possibilities of deep the same flows waters.
Water sample was collected from the different thermal springs of Katana region for 3 years (July 2006, July 2008 and
July 2010) and analyzed for temperature and pH in situ, Total Suspended Sediment, Alkalinity, Total hardness, Calcium
hardness, magnesium hardness, bicarbonate, sulfate, chloride, Total phosphorus, total nitrogen, ammonia and nitrate.
Piper Diagram, in which major cations and major anions was plotted on ternary diagrams in order to illustrate which
cations and anions dominate. The physic-chemical parameters of the thermal water in Katana region varied from one
spring to another. The variation of temperature of the springs was not significant (F= 0.1902; p = 0.833) during the study
period. The high values when until to 70 °C in same springs at Kankule.