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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-02
Research on data synchronism model of well completion based on operation log
Ruishan Du
Published: Feb. 28, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 186-189
Synchronization is a key technology to improve the system performance of mobile database. The paper
proposes a mobile data synchronous processing model which is based on operation log by relying on the mobile platform
of well completion and combining the business data of well completion. The paper mainly analyzes the generation of log
sequence in the model and conflict resolution and presents detailed implementation algorithm; the model allows mobile
terminal to operate local replica data under the circumstance of disconnection and record user behavior by mobile
transaction journal. When reconnecting mobile terminal, synchronous processing is made according to log sequence
returned by server and the system finally returns to its consistency. Meanwhile, methods such as log combination and
timestamp which efficiently low the resource consumption of mobile terminal and improve the efficiency of
synchronization. It turns out that the algorithm can quickly and efficiently finish the data updating and interaction
between client and server.