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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-02
The Application of the Art Design Method in the Appearance Improved of Pumping Unit
Zhang Xiaoguang, Xu Baorui , Shi Lei, Liu Wenqing, Sun Lina
Published: Feb. 28, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 197-201
The appearance of the pumping unit was improved by the industrial design methods in the paper, so it belongs
to the combination of the petroleum machinery and industrial design field The appearance of the pumping unit was
improved by the bionic design of art design methods, with the analysis of dynamics and mechanics the practicality and
safety of the improved pumping unit were verified, The original pumping unit model and the improved model of
pumping unit were established by the software Solidworks, and imported into the mechanical analysis software Ansys,
and the stress and deformation of the beam, the donkey head and support of the original type pumping unit and the
improved Lu type pumping unit were analyzed, and the final rendering was produced by 3dmax. According to the
analysis result, the stress and displacement of the improved pumping beam and support were slightly larger than the
original pumping unit, but from the point of actual values, the improved pumping beam and support could satisfy the
intensity and the rigidity the requirements, within the scope of the normal safe use, and can be used in production. the
perfect combination between mechanical and art was achieved, the feasibility of using the art design method in the
petroleum petroleum mechanical product design process was verified.