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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-1 | Issue-03
Acute Appendicitis: Pattern of Presentation and Outcome of Management
Ismat M Mutwali, Musaab S Ibrahim
Published: Sept. 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs
Pages: 69-73
A total of 273 patients admitted through the A/E department of BTH, with suspected diagnosis of acute
appendicitis; between February 2013 and October 2014.The aim was to establish the pattern of presentation of patient
with acute appendicitis and the outcome of their management in our context. Data were collected prospectively, through
a data collection sheet that designed especially for the study. Out the total number 94(34.3%) patients had apendiceal
mass. The classical presentation of acute appendicitis (early periumbilical pain that shifts to the RLQ of the abdomen and
RLQ abdominal tenderness) was the common pattern of presentation. The rates of appendix perforation, negative
appendicectomy and the post operative complications were comparable with other studies. The high incidence of
appendiceal mass in our series can be explained by the late presentation of the patients, missed diagnosing the condition.
A period of observation in patients with equivocal clinical picture can help in reducing the high rate of appendiceal mass.