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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-03
The Enforcement of Project Quality Management Plan (QMP), an Antidote to Building Failure in Nigeria
Elah O.B, Abeku D.M, Changilia B
Published: March 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 293-298
Poor quality work and materials liter the entire construction landscape in Nigeria, yet there is an excellently
prepared Quality Management Plan (QMP) that if implemented, will go a long way in reducing the menace of building
failure in Nigeria, but the case is not so. This paper looks at the enforcement of project quality management plan as an
antidote to building failure in Nigeria with the view to finding out if site supervisors have the knowledge of the existence
of QMP, are in possession of it and implementing its enforcement in their sites, if any professional body or government
agency visit construction sites to implement QMP, and to fashion out the ways for the enforcement of QMP on
construction sites. The methodology used was the Quantitative approach where the instrument of questionnaire and
interview were used for data collection. One hundred (100) questionnaires were administered and seventy-one (71) were
received back which was a good response. Findings showed that the quality management plan is neither a document at
the development control department nor is it a document at the site, since over seventy percent (70%) of the respondents
are not in possession of it or know its contents. It is not part of the documents given to developers when approval is