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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-04
Fault-Tolerant Unicast, Multicast and Broadcast Routing Flow-Based Models
Olexandr V. Lemeshko, Kinan M. Arous, Oleksandra S. Yeremenko
Published: April 20, 2015 | 142 92
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 343-350
Flow-based models of unicast, multicast and broadcast fault-tolerant routing in telecommunication networks were proposed. The novelty of models is a description of multiproduct case, as well as in consideration of flowing nature of modern network traffic, allowing to implement previously known conditions for communication links overload prevention for the case of unicast, multicast and broadcast routing type. The models represented by a system of linear equations and inequalities, which makes them effective in terms of algorithm implementation. As part of the proposed models tasks of unicast, multicast and broadcast routing are focused on solving optimization problems. Numerical examples showed efficiency of the proposed models in terms of serving multiple flows with different characteristics concurrently and adaptation to changes of network parameters (e.g. channel capacity). The proposed model can be used for solving the unicast, multicast and broadcast routing problems, and the mathematical description of more complex processes and problems, such as those associated with the design of telecommunication networks (selection of topology and bandwidth of communication links).