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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-04
Improvement Design of Vertically-telescopical Substructure of ZJ30 Rig based on the theory of finite element
Zhang Xiaoguang, Xu Baorui, Yang Jingyuan
Published: April 20, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 351-367
According to the actual structure and stress state of the ZJ30 rig derrick and substructure, the beam element
model of the derrick and the entity model of the substructure for finite element analysis were established in the article.
Considering three most dangerous working conditions, the derrick rising, maximum hook load and casing installation, the
load on the substructure was calculated by the software ANSYS ,a finite element analysis software the force and
deformation on the part of the substructure were analyzed. The weak parts with the big stress and deformation were
redesigned and recalculated based on the above to ensure the safety of the substructure in operation