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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-04
Prestressed concrete continuous rigid frame bridge closure segments jacking force calculation and analysis
Tang Ke-ping
Published: April 20, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 368-371
Prestressed concrete continuous rigid frame bridge in the completion of system transformation, the late creep
and shrinkage of concrete combined with cooling effect between the two pier girder has a tendency to shorten, Forced to
cross the pillar top displacement direction, the bottom of the pier top and pier produce bigger bending moment, Is limited
by fibre concrete girders at the same time, the tensile stress inside the structure, the structural damage. Therefore, after
the final closure for the side span, across different before the final closure of the cantilever end on a horizontal thrust,
make the bridge produces a deviation to resist the displacement, is beneficial to late bridge stress, increase the safety of
the structure. This article is based on a continuous rigid frame bridge under construction in chongqing construction
present situation, in accordance with the requirements of design drawings, by establishing a finite element model,
Calculation and analysis to determine which span closure jacking force value, Provide a theoretical basis to guide the