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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-1 | Issue-03
Evaluation of the predictive value of Mannheim Peritonitis Index in Omdurman Teaching Hospital
Khalid M. Osman, Aamir A. Hamza, Omer M.Ismail
Published: Oct. 30, 2015 | 138 121
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs
Pages: 88-91
Peritonitis is a common surgical problem, associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. Risk stratification preoperatively help to determine plan of management and outcome. Manheim Peritonitis Index was developed by H.Wach in 1987 and is used in assessing severity and predicting outcome. This prospective cohort study included 73 consecutive patients operated on for secondary peritonitis in Omdurman Teaching Hospital over one year period. The aim of the study was to evaluate the predictive value of Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) in the study group. Patients' informations were collected both on hospitalization and after surgical exploration; MPI was calculated for all patients. Morbidity observed in 43.8% and was significantly associated with female gender and high MPI score. The mortality rate was 8.2%, organ failure ,malignancy and high MPI scores were significantly associated with mortality with p value of <0.001 According to the MPI score, 21 score with a sensitivity of 83% and a specificity of 73% while a cut-off point of 26 showed sensitivity of 66% and a specificity of 95% in predicting the risk of death. Female gender is associated with increased rates of postoperative complications, Malignancy and Organ failure are predictors of mortality in peritonitis patients.MPI score influence outcome and complications and mortality rate are associated with high scores.MPI is effective tool in predicting outcome in peritonitis patients.