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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-04
A Model of Pipeline Flow Monitoring in Wide Area Wireless Sensor Network
Umunna Chike Odogwu, Ezechukwu, O.A, Aneke Jude, Okolo Chidiebere
Published: April 24, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 463-472
Designing a model for pipeline flow monitoring using Wide Area Network (WAN) as well as low power
wireless sensor nodes has been the general goal of design engineers. Such network desires to have a Wide Area Wireless
Sensor Network (WAWSN) that will run on little power (if possible, none at all) thereby saving cost, and the
inconveniences of having to replace batteries in some difficult to access areas of usage. This paper then developed a
Structural Monitoring Hierarchy (SMH) starting with pipeline design considerations, pipeline energy models, fluid
pressure losses, fluid flow modelling, event location model and WAN WSN output or battery model for sustainable
transceiver energy consumption for a typical node deployment architecture. By studying the energy consumption map of
the transceiver of a WSN node battery model, this research developed an energy consumption model of the transceiver
unit of a typical sensor node battery. Important metrics like Depth of Charge (DOC), State of Charge (SOC), Load
current and Load Voltage were derived and plotted using MATLAB.