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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-04
Gaussian Fuzzy Membership Function for Enhancement of Different Medical Images
Manjot Kaur Khehra Mohar, Mandeep Singh Devgan
Published: April 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 500-509
Disease is a cause which originates the need of treatment, whenever there is any kind of suspicion, person
tends to visit specialist for diagnose. Diagnose of disease tissues is crucial task in order to take right decisions for treating
and preventing disease at right time. Several researches shows that if disease is diagnosed at early stage, it will decrease
the rate of morality and options of treatment will be increased. In thispaper an efficient approach for enhancement of
medical images is proposed. This approach is based on Gaussian fuzzy technique. Gaussian fuzzy approach uses
Gaussian fuzzy membership function for enhancing medical images. This approach uses average gray level values and
threshold to find bandwidth of Gaussian function, this bandwidth in turn is used in general formula for Gaussian
function. Using this function, we obtain enhanced image as an output. Medical images from standard database are
obtained and carried out through experimentation process. For efficient testing different medical images (MRI, CTSCAN, X-RAY and Mammograms etc.) are extracted from database. Obtained results are compared with the results from
other techniques and the results from the proposed approach are quite promising and when compared proposed approach
comes out to be better than previous approach. This approach can be used to develop Computer-Aided decision system
for detection of diseases in future.