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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-04
Morphological recognition optimization of 3D building simplification by Delaunay algorithm
Xue Ting
Published: April 30, 2015 | 155 95
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 510-514
Focusing on the deficiencies in the application of standard Delaunay algorithm during three dimensional building simplification, based on morphological recognition, 3D building simplification model was proposed by searching optimization algorithm in this paper. First the Delaunay triangulation of constrained domain was converted to unconstrained domain, Delaunay net of discrete points was built by morphological recognition direction search method. Adopt the method of first pre-processing and then searching, insert two vertexes of the constrained edge into Delaunay triangulation using the mode of "point by point", then search the influence domain of the constrained edge. Finally, from the results of the simulation experiment, through the optimization of morphological recognition by standard Delaunay algorithm, improved algorithm had more excellent simplification effect compared to standard algorithm.