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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-1 | Issue-03
Marsupialization for simple fistula in ano
Ismael Mohammed Saeed Ali, Aamir Abdullahi Hamza, Saadeldin Ahmed Idris
Published: Oct. 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs
Pages: 92-95
Fistula in ano is a common surgical problem. Conventional surgical options for a simple fistula in ano include
a fistulotomy and fistulectomy. Lay open of the fistula tract is a commonly used procedure in the management of fistulain-ano. It can cure the fistula but this may involve prolong wound healing, and compromise of anal continence. The
wound edges may be marsupialized to the laid open fistula tract leaving less raw unepithelialized tissue to heal over.
There are inadequate data comparing fistulotomy with or without marsupialization.To compare marsupialization (MS)
versus lay open (LO) technique in management of simple fistula in ano (FIA) in terms of healing time as a primary
outcome and postoperative complications as a secondary outcomes) postoperative bleeding, postoperative pain, wound
infection, anal incontinence and recurrence). A prospective interventional study was conducted in Omdurman teaching
hospital, department of general surgery, in the period from 2014 July to 2015 July. All patients who presented with
simple anal fistula were included. Patients with associated co-morbid conditions and patients refused consent for the
procedure were excluded. A predesigned, pretested questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. A computer
program, Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20 was used .A Total number of 80 patients with simple
FIA were studied. Forty patients were involved in each group.