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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-06
The Design for Hardware in the Loop Simulation Test Bench
Li Hui, Chen Hao, Wang Yunchao, Lu Changyu
Published: June 30, 2015 | 177 198
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 645-650
HIL (Hardware in the loop) simulation test bench was developed based on the CarSim and LabVIEW software. First of all, CarSim, Real-time vehicle dynamics software, was used to build parameterized model for vehicle. Secondly, HIL simulation system, including vehicle steering wheel Angle, accelerator, brake, gear physical signals, was established based on the LabVIEW RT which was the real-time simulation environment of LabVIEW. And the steering wheel Angle sensor signal, throttle brake pedal sensor signal, gear sensor signal was introduced into the vehicle dynamics model through the hardware interface. Finally, the lemniscate road simulation test was used to verify the validity of the HIL simulation test platform. Lemniscate road simulation test included driver model simulation test and driver's practical operation HIL simulation test.