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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-07
Effects of phytic acid on nutrients and antioxidant activities of apple juice
Weiqin Li, Shaoying Zhang, Chang Li
Published: July 26, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 667-671
Phytic acid was added into apple juice at the concentration of 0.1mmol/L, and the effects of phytic acid on
antioxidant activities and the contents of vitamin C and polyphenols and antioxidant activities of apple juice were
investigated. The result showed as followed. Vitamin C and polyphenols of apple juice decreased during storage time.
Adding phytic acid with concentration of 0.1mmol/L might reduce the decrease of vitamin C and polyphenols of apple
juice. As for apple juice with added phytic acid, its DPPH free radical scavenging activity decreased, its reducing power
slightly decreased and its Fe2+ chelating activity increased with storage time extension.