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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-3 | Issue-08
Development of Smart Breast Milk Incubator
M. H. Jali, N. S. Mazlan, T. A. Izzudin, M. F. Baharom, H. I. Jaafar, S. N. Khamis
Published: Aug. 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 715-717
This paper described the development of Smart Breast Milk Incubator. It is a portable container for breast milk
storage. The container is mainly use for all working mothers to help their problem to keep their breast feeding milk
quality in a good condition. This device has many benefits such as it has cold and hot temperature mode as well as it can
be carry anywhere because of its small design and can be rechargeable. The idea of the development of this device is due
to the fact of the problem facing by working mother to breast feeding their babies because of their work and time
constraint at their workplace. Most mothers send their babies at nursery and keep their babies until end of office hours
that makes the breast feed become. Therefore, this device is designed to ease all mothers to store breast milk in a long
time and the babies could continuous benefits through it. It fully utilized the capability of thermoelectric cooler that could
function as a cooler and heater for breast milk storage.