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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-01
The Impact of Clustering Mechanism in Dense Wireless Sensor Network
Senthil Kumar T, Boselin Prabhu S R, Sophia S
Published: Jan. 21, 2016 | 194 139
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 58-62
A sensor is a miniature component which gauges physical parameters from the environment. A sensor measures the physical parameters and transmits them either by wired or wireless means. In wireless medium the sensor and its allied components are called as node. A wireless sensor node is self-assured by a processor, local memory, sensors, radio, battery and a base station accountable for receiving and processing data collected by the nodes. The incorporation of multiple types of sensors such as seismic, acoustic, optical, etc., in a single network platform and the evaluation of the overall coverage of the system also presents numerous interesting challenges. The sensor-based military applications involves intrusion detection, perimeter monitoring, information gathering and smart logistics support in an unknown deployed area, sensor-based personal health monitoring, location detection with sensor network and movement detection using wireless sensor network. This paper gives a detailed description about the impact of clustering mechanism in dense wireless sensor network