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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-01
Determination of Cost-Efficient Bandwidths of Multicast Algorithms through Data Envelopment Analysis using Variable Return to Scale Model
Joseph Stephen Soja, Abdoulie Momodou Sunkary Tekanayi, Iliya TizheThuku, Adewale Emmanuel Adedokun, Mohammed Mijinyawa, Bashira Yahaya, Zainab MukhtarAbubakarand, Oguchi Akudo Nwogu
Published: Jan. 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 83-88
In this paper, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was applied using Variable Return to Scale (VRS) model to
determine bandwidth consumption of two algorithms during video conferencing over wireless network. Recent
researches conducted focused on Constant Return to Scale (CRS) model where all Decision Making Units (DMUs) are
operating at an optimal scale. DEA employing VRS was used on simulation results of Improved Network Coding
Algorithms (INCAs) of two and three parameters to determine the better coding algorithm. The two Simulation results
showed that, the INCA with three parameters is more efficient than the INCA with two parameters. This is ascertained
from the mean efficiency of INCA with three parameters which are; 0.941, 0.934 and 0.812 for 20, 50 and 60 nodes
generated at random when compared with mean efficiency of 0.847, 0.909 and 0.801 for INCA with two parameters
using the same number of nodes generated at random.