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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-02
Optimization of injection parameters for air foam profile control in low permeability oil field
Zhou Fu, Wang Li-ya
Published: Feb. 28, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 103-106
In view of the high water cut, effect of strong anisotropy, low water drive spread coefficient and injected water
channeling of M block in A oil field, some research on the technology of M block air foam profile control was done. On
the basis of 3D geological model, method of numerical simulation and controlling variate method and input-output ratio
used as an economic evaluation index were chosen to optimize the injection parameters affecting the effect of profile
control. The research showed that, air foam profile control technology can significantly improve the output of M block.
On the same time, to M block in A oil field, the optimal injection parameters for injection were: the foaming agent
volume was 0.5PV, the foaming agent injection rate was 13m3/d, foaming agent concentration was 0.3%, the foaming
agent injection cycle was 25d, gas injection rate was 40m3/d, gas-liquid ratio was 3:1.