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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-03
Seismic response analysis of overhead pipe under multi point input
Jing-hong Xue, Xin Wang, Yan-peng Lou
Published: March 22, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 118-122
Ground motion has a strong randomness because of the limitation of the number of strong earthquake records
and mathematical difficulties. In general, by the method of establishing stochastic process model, one can study the
influence of spatial correlation of ground motion on seismic response of structures. However, more researches focus on
the random process model of acceleration. According to the acceleration stochastic process model, the frequency domain
model and time domain model are selected to study the composition of ground motion at each point of the ground
pipeline, and further consider spatial correlation of ground motion to give the influence of traveling wave effect,
coherence effect and local site effect on the ground pipeline. The results show that it may be unsafe without consideration
of the spatial coherence of seismic ground motions, and different coherence function models lead to different results. It is
also suggested that the spatial coherence of seismic ground motions should be considered, and the coherence function
models should be chosen cautiously