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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-03
Cyberspace in the Age of "Information Panopticon"
Muneer K
Published: March 22, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 123-126
In the view point of human rights, the importance of the cyberspace is shooting up day by day as the
conventional media hides many information that pertain into the violation of human rights. When the media is either
afraid of the after-effects, or fond of the violators, the cyber activists take out the sword of bravery. This paper analyses
the reflections of social networks, blogs and sites such as WikiLeaks in the age of mass surveillance and attacks on
privacy. The pros and cons of the “Information Panopticon” and the arguments on the ethics of hacking are studied.
Contributions of persons such as Julian Assange and Aaron Swartz in the fight for internet freedom are studied. The
politics and poetics of hacking as a tool in this freedom fight are brought to the focus. A case study has been conducted in
the light of democratic uprisings in the Middle East, on the correlation between social media and political change. The
ethics and practices of Hacking in the present world, where powerful countries are masking the information about their
attack on the rights of people as well as that of other countries, is studied in this paper. With special reference to “Nilppu
Samaram” in Kerala, the power of social media as an agent of change and as an element of the fourth estate has been
analysed. The paper concludes that cyberactivism has a hopeful future to complement the continuing fights for justice
and human rights.