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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-1 | Issue-03
Haemorrhoidectomy: Milligan Morgan versus Ferguson in Omdurman Teaching Hospital
Isra M Abdalla, Aamir A Hamza, Omer M Ismail
Published: Oct. 30, 2015 | 139 101
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs
Pages: 122-126
Milligan Morgan haemorrhoidectomy (MMH) was modified to Ferguson haemorrhoidectomy (FH) to reduce the post-operative pain which though to be due to leaving the mucosa opened. The objective was to study the comparison between two procedures in term of operative time, hospital stay, post-operative complications, healing time and return to work after surgery. A prospective interventional study was conducted in Omdurman teaching hospital, department of general surgery. In period from April 2013 to April 2014, included patients of third and fourth degree haemorrhoid and excluded patients with complicated haemorrhoids and patients less than 14 years of age. Data collected through a predesigned pretested questionnaire and analyzed using computer programme package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20. MMH was done in 51 patients and 49 patients had FH.The mean age was 37.8±13.4 years; the male patient number was equal to number of female patients. MMH had shorter duration than FH with mean of 21.8±10.9 minutes and p value was 0.005.There is no difference in hospital stay; all patients had day case surgery. Post-operative pain had no significant difference in first 24 hour p value was 0.138 and second post-operative day the p value was 0.804. Post-operative complications also had no significant difference as well as return to work Faster healing time was reported in FH, P value< 0.001. MMH had shorter operation's duration. FH show faster healing time than MMH, no significant difference in both procedures regarding hospital stay, post-operative pain, complications and return to work