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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-04
Assist Web-Based Grade Entry and Inquiry System
Christopher John R. Llanda, Janelyn A. Ambre, Excel Philip B. Guidang
Published: April 30, 2016 | 197 947
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 153-163
The researchers developed the ASIST Web-Based Grade Entry and Inquiry System. Specifically, it achieved the following objectives: a.) determined the policies and procedures of grade inquiry and entry system, b.) developed the ASIST Web-Based Grade Entry and Grade Inquiry System, and c.) determined the usability of the ASIST Web-Based Grade Entry and Inquiry System in terms of efficiency, affect, helpfulness, control, and learnability.The descriptivedevelopmental type of research was used. Data needed in the study were gathered from the registrar, registrar’s staff, 7 instructors and 56 students of IT. A documentary analysis coupled with interview determined the policies and procedures. Software Usability Measurement Inventory determined the usability of the developed ASIST Web-Based Grade Entry and Inquiry System. The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted with the use of frequency count and measures of central tendency. Policies of grade entry and inquiry are based from the ASIST Code. The grade entry procedures were done manually by the professors/instructors. ASIST Web-Based Grade Inquiry and Entry System software was developed by the used of code and fix software development methodology. PHP, JavaScript, CSS and HTML scripting languages was used for system’s frontend and MySQL DBMS was used for system’s backend. The developed system was found out to be usable in terms of its efficiency, affect, helpfulness, control, and learnability.