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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-04
Effect Evaluation of Seismic Inversion--- A Case Study of Gao-3 Reservoir in the Xingbei Area
SHAO Bi-ying,ZHANG-Wen,YIN Yue-lei
Published: April 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 164-168
Make full use of the theory and methods of the comprehensive interpretation of geophysical and seismic data,
to play the advantages of joint research in many disciplines. Different seismic inversion methods have different technical
characteristics and application conditions, application example of combining the block layer, storage reservoir
characteristics and oil and gas reservoir types, seismic inversion, feasibility analysis, select well vibration combined with
reconstruction, according to the evaluation results of seismic inversion to achieve fine reservoir prediction. The results
show that the accuracy of reservoir description can be further improved by selecting suitable seismic inversion method,
which can achieve the goal of longitudinal identification of small layer capability, sand body prediction and solving
complicated geological problems.