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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-04
Rock Slope Stability Assessment Using Slope Mass Rating (SMR) Method: Gunung Lang Ipoh Malaysia
Goh Thian Lai, Ainul Mardhiyah Mohd Razib, Nur Amanina Mazlan, Abdul Ghani Rafek, Nur Ailie Sofyaiana Serasa,Tuan Rusli Mohamed
Published: April 30, 2016 | 110 184
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 185-192
Limestone hill are natural beauty due to their unique landscape and features of karst terrain. However, the hill may also pose danger to properties and human due to the instability of slope. Thus, the main objective of this study was to assess the stability of three slopes (GL1, GL2 and GL3) at Gunung Lang, Ipoh, Perak based on rock mass classification system of Slope Mass Rating. The slopes of GL1 and GL2 were identified as class II slopes. The GL3 slopes was categorized as class III to IV slope. The assessment revealed that the slope GL1 and GL2 were stable with the probability of failure of 0.2. The stabilities of GL3 slope were from partially stable to unstable with the probability of failure of 0.4 to 0.6. The outcomes of the study are used for development consideration in the near future.