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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-05
Review of Thermal Insulation Materials for Pipelines
XUE Yihan
Published: May 30, 2016 | 253 575
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 258-260
With the decreasing of energy around the world, The significance of energy-saving insulation in industrial and agricultural production and civil life become increasingly prominent. In order to reduce the heat loss of pipeline, and raise the utilization rate of heat energy, a number of scholars have carried out research on thermal insulation materials and their properties. Heat preservation measures must be taken to reduce the heat transfer from the internal heat source to the outside of the pipeline. Obviously, the main purpose is to reduce the heat loss, saving electric energy or fuel. Through the analysis of the current situation of domestic and foreign pipeline insulation, the performance of the main insulation materials were reviewed.