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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-05
Design and Implementation of A Knowledge-Based Typhoid Fever Diagnosis Expert Advisor Using Forward Chaining Inference Mechanism
Ele, Sylvester I, A. O. Ofem, Egete, D. O, Paulina Ackley Akpan-Idiok
Published: May 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet
Pages: 261-267
The medical field is experiencing setbacks, medical cases almost always seems to outnumber the number of
medical experts required to attend to them. This in part is due to lack of qualified doctors to handle specialize cases.
Inefficient medical expert to diagnose and properly treat typhoid fever has significantly increased mortality and
morbidity rate in both infant and adult resulting from the ailment. The objective of this project therefore is to Design a
Rule-Based Expert System that will offer proper diagnosis and prescribe appropriate medication for patients. The shell of
the Expert System developed in this project uses the Forward Chaining Inference Algorithm (Mechanism), a technique
that has been neglected by many expert system developers in the medical field. Oral and written interview was adopted to
acquire knowledge from experts in the domain and get insight into the required information needed for the development
of the system. Java programming language and its related technology were used in the development of the system based
on its functionality of platform independence. We employed Derby's database engine for our database design.