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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-07
Study on Size Effect of GFRP Tube Concrete Steel Tube Composite Column under Axial Compression
Wen Li, Tong Wang, Yu Na
Published: July 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.21276/sjet.2016.4.7.6
Pages: 329-332
FRP pipe concrete steel tube composite column (DSTC) is proposed by Professor Teng Jinguang, Hong Kong
Polytech University, a new type of composite structure. In order to further study the axial compression performance of
DSTC, this paper makes a deep research on the DSTC in different sizes under different conditions by the finite element
simulation. According to the results of experiment and simulation, it can be known that, with the increase of the size of
the specimen, the ability of resisting deformation is weakened, the effect of size effect on the mechanical properties of
different concrete strength grade of DSTC is different, and the effect of size effect on the high grade concrete is less than
that of the low grade concrete.