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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-08
Analysis of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Peat Fires
Wulan Muharani, Arief Sabdo Yuwono, Yudi Chadirin
Published: Aug. 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.21276/sjet.2016.4.8.4
Pages: 359-369
Forest fire and peat fires in Indonesia is an important factor air pollution in Southeast Asia. Emissions from
peat fires cause extraordinary impact for human health, visibility, the economy and affect global climate. The low
intensity of peat fires can produce large particulates emission, CO and other gaseous compounds. Analysis of physical
and chemical properties of smoke from peat fires took samples of peat in the village of Kuala Sekampung, District Sragi,
Lampung province, Sumatra-Indonesia, to conduct laboratory scale combustion. The purpose of this analysis is to
determine the physical and chemical properties of the smoke from peat fires and lasting drop in visibility and air quality
deterioration. Chemical properties in researched is CO, NO, NO2, CO2, SO2, and H2S and physical properties in
researched is dustfall, TSP and dust particles. Preparation of Simulation peat fires made for laboratorium scal. Process of
cultivation of grass for 6 months. Burning grasses are used as fuel placed on the furnace which is positioned on a closed
tunnel so there is no influence of the wind outside. Combustion carried out for 1 hour for each repetition. Instrument for
physical properties measurement are dustfall canister and filter whatman 41 for dustfall parameter, High Volume Air
Sample and filter Staplex tipe TFAG41 for TSP and petri dish, filter whatmann 41 and digital microcope for calculation
of total dust particles. The results showed that from the physical and chemical properties are associated with decreased
visibility and air quality deterioration.