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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-1 | Issue-04
Plain Radiographic Interpretation in Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture Poorly Assesses Screw Misplacement at the Fibular Notch
Florian M. Kovar, Manuela Jaindl, Florian Kutscha-Lissberg
Published: Dec. 30, 2015 | 143 129
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs
Pages: 188-193
Intra-articular hardware penetration and cartilage damage are potential disadvantages related to screw fixation in proximity to joint surfaces, reducing the chances of successful outcome. Intraoperative recognition of screw protrusion may be difficult due to the challenge of adequate interpretation of specific radiographic views. We therefore conducted the present study to investigate the accuracy of intraoperative radiographic images. The materials and methods in dis study the Data for the present double blind study were collected prospectively and evaluated retrospectively, including a total of 29 patients with ankle fractures over an inclusion period of 18 months. All patients underwent surgery for an ankle fracture with a posterior wedge, fixated with screws. X-rays and CT scans (lateral and Mortise views) were evaluated by different independent physicians. In results there was a poor level of agreement between x-rays and CT scans. 29 patients with ankle fractures surgery for posterior wedge fixation were performed. Intraoperative x-rays showed a satisfactory screw placement.