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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-10
Lead Time Reduction of Inbound Logistics in a FMCG Company
M Parthiban, Adarsh H
Published: Oct. 26, 2016 | 163 318
DOI: 10.21276/sjet.2016.4.10.1
Pages: 472-477
Fast Moving Consumer Goods(FMCG) by the name has high demand in the market as well as heavy competition. Maximizing efficiency and effectiveness of the process in the industry by shrinking supply chain and making dynamic production to meet unpredictable demand is a challenging task faced by the industry. Logistics which is a major portion of supply chain, adds cost to product without adding value is a major area to focus, as customer is not willing to pay for it. In this case study we have considered a process industry which consumes COPRA and extracts Edible oil from it. A portion of supply chain which deals with IN-BOUND LOGISTICS is taken for improvement. The Aim of the study is to reduce the inbound Truck Turn Around Time (TTAT) by 70% with minimal cost. Presently the company has loss of Rs. 11.5Lakhs per month on average by paying the truck owners for delaying truck for more than a day. Since the demand is increasing rapidly the company has decided to double the productivity. Through this study scope of improvement is found by analysing detailed time study. Mistake proofing and standardization of work is also done to reduce the variation and improve the mean TTAT.