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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-4 | Issue-11
Implementation of Data Warehousing in Telecommunication Companies in Rwanda: A Survey of MTN in Gasabo District and Tigo in Nyarugenge District
Nkikabahizi calpephore, Job Onyinkwa Osoro, Morris Mbaabu Gitonga, Benson mugambi njoni
Published: Nov. 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.21276/sjet.2016.4.11.3
Pages: 534-554
The study was to investigate the implementation of data warehouse at selected telecommunication companies
in Rwanda (MTN and Tigo) and the objectives were to identify the key factors that lead to successful implementation of
data warehousing in MTN and Tigo ,to find out the techniques used to implement data warehousing in MTN and Tigo
and to assess the extent to which data warehousing contribute to MTN and Tigo in improving business processes using
data collected from their head offices at Kigali. The data warehousing was assessed to find out how it contributes to
Telecommunication Company to overcome issues raised with operation systems. The research was carried out using
survey, descriptive and explanatory design where both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. The primary
data was collected using questionnaires and secondary data of the documentation review method was used. The targeted
population was sampled using purposive method. The finding from the survey indicated the sixteen factors for
successful implementation and the buttom up design as implementation technique of data warehousing in MTN and Tigo.
Upon this, the finding showed the very high level of contribution of data warehousing to MTN and high level of
contribution of data warehousing to Tigo.