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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-5 | Issue-02
Design and Fabrication of Quadrilateral Bubble Column Test Rig for Multiphase Flow Investigations
Mohd Amirul Syafiq Mohd Yunos, Siti Aslina Hussain, Hamdan Mohamed Yusoff, Susan Sipaun
Published: Feb. 25, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sjet.2017.5.2.1
Pages: 34-43
Bubble column reactor belongs to the general class of multiphase reactors in which gas come in contact with
liquid. This reactor purposely used to mix the two phases or substances where the gas is dispersed into the column from
the bottom and rises within the liquid and escapses from the upper liquid surface. Throughout the design and
development phase, the reactor design specifications were identified to meet the experimental requirements for
hydrodynamics study in a bubble column using the high-speed camera, industrial radiotracer, and radioactive particle
tracking techniques. This bubble column reactor design comes with six different type of sparger design for various
mixing pattern optimization. The design methodology structured as design development process, conceptual design
selection process, detailed design specifications, product fabrication, and final product testing. This versatile reactor is
developed to overcome the problems faced in understanding hydrodynamics behavior of using different types of sparger
design, leading to design optimization for better mixing and blending efficiency in multiphase flow investigations. This
study has demonstrated that the newly quadrilateral bubble column reactor is ready to be used for the various types of
laboratory assessment including industrial radioactive experiments.