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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-5 | Issue-03
Study on Distribution Law of Remaining Oil in X Block of Niuxintuo Oilfield
Liang Shun, Shi Hao
Published: March 30, 2017 | 124 99
DOI: 10.21276/sjet.2017.5.3.5
Pages: 99-103
Niuhuangtuo Oilfield X block after years of water injection development has been in the stage of high water extraction. In order to improve the oil field development effect and improve the recovery rate, it is necessary to find the remaining oil exploitation potential. Based on the characteristics of reservoirs and the combination of geological modeling and numerical simulation, the remaining oil distribution in the study area is studied. Based on the analysis of drilling, earthquake and logging, the petrel modeling software is used to complete the geological model And the development of the block geological reserves, water content and single well production history, have reached a high precision, can be more realistic to restore the oil field development. The results show that the residual oil in the study area is mainly affected by the factors such as sedimentary microfacies, microstructural high point, fault occlusion and blocking. From the longitudinal point of view, the remaining oil is mainly concentrated in N12, N21 and N31 layers; the plane is mainly distributed in the fault edge, micro-amplitude construction high point, the river sand.