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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-5 | Issue-04
Method of Balanced Shared Explicit Reservation for Multicast Routing in Network
Amal Mersni
Published: April 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sjet
Pages: 164-169
A given work proposes a method of balanced shared explicit reservation for multicast routing in
communication network. A mathematical model for multicast routing supporting shared explicit reservation of link
resource was presented, which is introduced by linear expressions that are responsible for ensuring the connectivity of the
calculated multicast routes, as well as the absence of loops in them. The analysis of the solutions for the multicast routing
tasks and the shared explicit reservation of network resources using the proposed model for different network structures,
flow characteristics and the used optimality criteria is conducted. The use of the proposed model ensured the
improvement of the obtained results on average by 45-65% compared to the distributed (uncoordinated) solution of
multicast routing tasks and reservation of link resources used in modern network protocols. According on the results of
the conducted studies it is recommended to implement the complex optimality criterion, the use of which is most
effective from the point of view of both balanced use of the network resource and in terms of ensuring the maximum
productivity of the network as a whole.