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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-5 | Issue-05
Based on Finite Element Simulation and Affected Analysis of Pipeline Thermal Stress under Wall Thickness
LV Chao, ZU HongYu
Published: May 30, 2017 | 166 114
DOI: 10.21276/sjet
Pages: 191-196
When gas transmission pipelines are working, due to various reasons such as being heated or cold and expansion and contraction, the pipeline will produce deformation, and then the deformation is limited by displacement constraints or the opposite pressure. As a result, the pipeline will produce thermal stress, thus posing a threat to pipeline working. Therefore, this article will adopt the method of model simulation and establish a channel space finite element model, then the ANSYS finite element analysis software will be applied to the calculation of thermal stress of the pipelines. Finally, we will do some research and analysis of the factors affecting the thermal stress in pipeline. The results show that the temperature had a greater influence on the thermal stress of pipeline, when the larger internal and external temperature difference of the pipeline get, the greater thermal stress the pipes produce. Secondly, the wall thickness of pipelines also affects thermal stress. Under the condition of the constant pipe diameter, thermal stress produced by pipes becomes small with the increase of pipe wall thickness.