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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-5 | Issue-05
Commodity Pricing Mechanism Generalized Supply and Demand Equilibrium Research
YIN Yan-hui
Published: May 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sjet
Pages: 212-215
"After Copenhagen age", the pattern of global energy, environment and resources, is under intense interest
differentiation and reorganization. In order to natural gas as a new energy focus, took place in the global new energy
game between the great powers, natural gas as the foundation energy is the world within the scope of comprehensive
development and utilization. The particularity of natural gas energy is different from general energy, natural gas energy
to inherent strong attributes; natural monopoly industry affects the energy destiny of mankind. Age of gas energy
geographical features, must use energy strategy "diversity" to scientific and technological innovation and institutional
innovation as the fulcrum, with dynamic alternative energy industry revolution as a way out, to avoid make the world a
"gas energy" one-way dependence and polygonal battles, so as to establish low-carbon new world order.