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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-5 | Issue-06
K-Anonymization Techniques for Hiding Multi-Sensitive Information
Anisha Tiwari, Minu Choudhary
Published: June 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sjet
Pages: 232-237
Securing information protection is an imperative issue in microdata distribution. Anonymity strategies
regularly mean to ensure singular security, with insignificant effect on the nature of the discharged information. As of
late, a couple of models are acquainted with guarantee the security ensuring or potentially to diminish the data misfortune
to such an extent as could be allowed. That is, they additionally enhance the adaptability of the anonymous system to
make it all the more near reality, and after that to meet the various needs of the general population. Different proposition
and calculations have been intended for them in the meantime. In this paper, we present two anonymization techniques
for adding vertices and edges for hiding useful information. The algorithm for adding edges executes faster as compared
to algorithm for adding vertices but hiding information capability is more in vertices adding algorithm because it add
vertices implied that it also add edges so it becomes more robust.