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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-5 | Issue-06
Join Operations in Relational Databases with Automatic Attributes Renaming
Poliakov S, Buy D, Mohmmed Karam, Israa Jasim AL.kalafa
Published: June 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sjet
Pages: 254-257
The paper considers inner and outer join of relation operations, as well as set-theoretical operations on
relations. Unlike join operations in Codd’s relational algebra the join operations under consideration are based on Kleene
and Priest three-valued logic used in SQL, that allows to give the semantics of join operations more precisely. In
relational algebra, any relation that does not contain tuples is represented as an empty set. It is impossible to define outer
joins for such relations provided we do not know what columns contain an empty relation. In the paper relations with
schemas are introduced. That allows the operations to be defined even if one or both operands are empty relations unlike
classical relational algebra.