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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-5 | Issue-06
Gelatinization and Frying Temperatures Stabilization of a ‘Garri’ Frying Machine Using a PID Microcontroller-Matlabsimulink
Okorun Ambrose Ali, Asha Saturday, Otaru Ekhare Natheniel, Ashikodi Anthony Ifeanyi, Ezeoke Grace Ajagun Kehinde Oluwatomi
Published: June 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sjet
Pages: 295-306
PID micro controller are used with the objective of controlling the gelatinization temperature and the frying
temperature of a garri frying machine to improve the quality and dietary standard of garri with little or no lumps
formation and no significant sign of being charred . Most research works on the design of garri frying and processing are
limited with the problem of temperature stabilization or control, hence, this flexible design will help to stabilize
gelatinization and frying temperatures within a range of( 70-90)oC and (180-200)oC respectively. Mathematical models
of the gelatinization and frying chambers with their respective actuators were developed with the use of matlab simulink
using Zeigler-Nichol tuning method to the PID parameters for a desired response of the systems when subjected to a unit
step input. The schematic model and animated simulation was done to compliment and validate the system performance
at these temperatures in the two chambers using a knowledge soft ware base –Proteus. A set of optimal parameters were
obtained with using Zeigler Nicholas tuning after several iterations and simulation to have a desirable improvement with
a focus on the settling time of 29.8seconds and 26.7seconds for drying and gelatiniztion process respectively to improve
the robustness and stability of the entire system.