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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-5 | Issue-07
Thermal Investigation and Heat Flux Analysis of a Cascaded Transformer in the Tropics
Asha Sturday, Erukpe Aluhumile Peter, Ogbe Blessing Omokwudu, Agbanelo David Chukwujekwu, Imadu Stanley Olumayowa, Felix Omeanenemeh Patricks
Published: July 30, 2017 | 145 342
DOI: 10.21276/sjet
Pages: 317-328
The tropics is characterized with high temperature but in recent time with the advent of global warming that had shot the world temperature so high ,cascaded transformers failure is imminent due to excessive heat stored in the windings that could not be dispensed equitably. Understanding the thermal behavior of the windings in cascaded transformers is complicated, it is difficult to predict the location and strength of the hottest temperature in the winding (i.e. hotspot temperature). To initiate an improved understanding of the thermal behavior, a thermal analysis (steady and transient ), numerical should be done. A model of cascaded transformer is made using Creo Element and built with Ansys Work Bench to analyze. The steady and transient thermal analysis with maximum -temperature distribution of 96.325oC ,and total heat flux ⁄ on a steady analysis and maximum temperature of 114.62C and toatal heat flux of ⁄ .