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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-5 | Issue-07
Classification and Blocking of Spam Users based on Review Using Expected Maximization Algorithm
Hema Dewangan, Om Prakash Dewangan, Toran Verma
Published: July 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sjet
Pages: 329-334
An excellent source of collecting the reviews on specific product is various online shopping sites where people
share their reviews on products and their shopping experience. People may come through the wrong opinions known as
review spam. Therefore, for this it is essential to detect it by some means. In this paper, presents methods for detection of
spam users using feature extraction and discretization, in combination with EM algorithm. Our framework can detect
multiple spammers by knowing only small set of spammer sets. Proposed method effectively selects relevant features and
builds features set to identify the spammers. In this paper, we have blocked the users with fake id or who are predicted as