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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-5 | Issue-08
Multi-Block Structured Grid Generation Method for Computational Fluid Dynamics
R.C Mehta
Published: Aug. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sjet
Pages: 387-393
Multi-block structured finite element grid generation algorithm is developed in conjunction with a homotopy
technique. The computational domain is divided into a number of quadrilateral regions that takes into consideration
topology and coordinates details of each sub-domain. The inner and outer boundaries of the computational domain are
described in terms of the surface coordinates. Each sub-domain is designated with an eight nodes isoparametric finite
element to generate orderly structured grid and homotopy method is employed to generate grid clustering for numerical
flow field simulation. The grid clustering can be controlled by selecting proper stretching factor in order to flow field
features such as to resolve boundary layer, to capture shock wave and to locate high pressure gradient region. The grid
generation is in two-dimensional plane that can be rotated to obtain a three-dimensional grid arrangement over
axisymmetric configuration. Major features of the present grid generation technique are convenient for checking the grid
independence test of flow simulation with varying stretching factor. Major attraction of the present algorithm maintains
geometrical conservation of computational domain method. The grid plots can be visualized with the aid of MATLAB.
The grids can easily link with user developed flow solver or it can also be coupled with commercial flow solver.