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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-5 | Issue-08
Estimation of Groundwater Resources using Groundwater-Hydrograph Analysis, a Case of Linbian and Donggang basins
Jia-Hung Gao, Jin-Bing Lin, Chou-Fu Liang
Published: Aug. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.21276/sjet
Pages: 399-406
This study applied groundwater fluctuation method (GFM) and considered the natural groundwater recession
rate to analyze the groundwater storage levels of the Donggang River and Linbian River basins. Subsequently, the safe
yield was calculated, providing the basis for future discharge volume. The results of this study indicated that the average
total recharge volume between 2009 and 2014 was 1.31m. The annual average discharge volume amounted to 1.03m, and
the annual average water loss equaled 0.30m, translating to a safe yield of 0.85–1.17m, averaged at 1.01m. To determine
the accuracy of groundwater recharge estimate using the GFM, the estimates obtained in this study were analyzed using
MODFLOW, the results of which indicated that the slope of the regression line representing the actual values and
estimated values measured 45±3.2°. Finally, according to the fluctuations in storage water volume, the discharge volume
in the study area was higher than the recharge volume. If this problem persists, the groundwater level will continue to
drop, causing sea water intrusion and land subsidence. Therefore, the groundwater discharge volume in Donggang River
and Linbian River basins should be controlled to not exceed 1m/year.