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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-8 | Issue-01
Fracture Resistance of Groundnut (cv. SAMNUT 11) Kernel under Quasi-Static Compression Loading
Uguru H, Akpokodje OI, Ijabo OJ
Published: Jan. 11, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2020.v08i01.001
Pages: 1-8
In this study, quasi-static compression test was performed on SAMNIT 11 groundnut kernels to evaluate the effect of
loading rate; kernel orientation and size, on some of its mechanical behaviours (rupture force, rupture energy,
toughness and rupture power). The SAMNUT 11 groundnut kernels used for this study were categorized into three
sizes (large, medium and small) and compressed along three orientations (X- Y- and Z- axis), at three loading rates
(15, 20 and 25 mm/min). The X- axis is the plane perpendicular to the suture line; Y - axis is in the plane containing
the suture line; while Z-axis is the longitudinal axis through the suture line. Results obtained from the quasi-static
compression test showed that loading rate had significant (p ≤0.05) effect on all the mechanical behaviours studied. In
contrast, the kernel orientation and size did not significantly (p ≤0.05) affect the rupture energy of the groundut kernel.
The results further depicted that the mechanical behaviours values were highest when the kernels were compressed at
15 mm/min along the X - axis. From the results, the highest rupture energy (0.116 Nm) was recorded when the large
kernel was compressed along the X-axis, at a loading rate of 15mm/min, while the least rupture energy (0.02 Nm) was
recorded when the small kernel was compressed along the Z-axis at a loading rate of 25mm/min. On average, the large
groundnut kernels required about 38% greater force to rupture when compared with the small kernels. In addition, the
kernel toughness decreased with increase of the kernel size. These results could be useful in modification of existing
groundnut processing (milling) equipment.