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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-8 | Issue-03
Rainwater Harvesting Potentialities to Reduce Over Extraction of Groundwater in Sylhet
Munna, G. M, Alam J. B, Uddin M. M, Islam, M. A, Tonmoy, K. T. R, Hridoy, I. A
Published: March 19, 2020 | 183 110
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2020.v08i03.003
Pages: 48-58
Water is plainly the single biggest issue confronting the nation today. Water shortage will be one of the significant dangers to mankind during this century. This study intends to reassess the technique by which the water can be collected or stored safely. In this research Sylhet city is considered, where the ground water table is comparatively lower. Therefore, collecting rainwater can be a rational solution to this problem, which is normal in numerous spots in Sylhet especially in the hilly regions on the north eastern piece of the city. This can be an elective wellspring of drinking water due to accessibility of water from March to October. Heavy rain happens from end of May till mid-September, which is usually known as the rainy season. The capacity of tank is determined and the attainability or feasibility specially for drinking purposes is checked to reduce over extraction on groundwater. In this study, it is found that the total collected water by rainwater harvesting for four different buildings satisfied the water demand by calculate these catchment. Here for an academic building we get the total water 6830.08 m3 for a catchment area 1679.3 m2 in a year 2017, which required a tank size 8680 m3 which can be served throughout the year and also satisfies 50-60% of overall demand.