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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-8 | Issue-09
Exteraction and Characterization Some Fatty Acid of the Seeds Oil from Albizialebbeck (L.) Benth
Fath El-Rahman Ahmed, Munged I, Mohammed Algozoly, Saad Badwi, Awd Hamad, Abdel Fathah B, Masri Abdel Moneam
Published: Sept. 25, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2020.v08i09.002
Pages: 175-178
Albizialebbeck(L.) Benth. A member of Fabaceae family, have numerous medicinal and pharmacological properties, the plant was collected from Elfitahab areas in Omdurman city. The fruit pulp of Albizialebbeck(L.) Benth. was subjected to continuous and successive soxhlet extraction with n-Hexane . The oil extract was screened with antimicrobial activity and analysis by GC/MS technique to appeared 19 components.