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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-8 | Issue-11
A Bibliographic Review of Literature on Machine Accidents Published in the Journals Indexed with Scopus-Elsevier Database from 2019 – 1972
Javed Rasool Khara, Zameer Hussain Baladi
Published: Nov. 6, 2020 | 188 129
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2020.v08i11.001
Pages: 187-191
Purpose: This study design explores the literature produced and published in journals indexed in the Scopus-Elsevier database in terms of machine accidents. Methods: We acquired support from the Scopus-Elsevier information base and its listed journals to download the information for this examination. The data covers 48 years of exploration. This examination is separated into five spells to analyze; year-wise, sort of reports, an arrangement of subjects, creators design transport, an association of the primary creator with the nation, and dialects of a composition, distributed from 2019 – 1972. Results: One hundred forty-six different types of documents were written by 395; 2.7% authors in eleven languages and categories in eleven subject areas published in the Scopus-Elsevier database from 2019- 1972. Majority of 81; 55% documents scripted as articles, followed by conference papers. The first spell published 84; 57%, remaining 62; 42.4% documents published in four spells. With 47 documents, Industrial Engineering got maximum attention, Road, and Traffic with 46 documents, and Agricultural and Biological Sciences with 17documents and stand on second and third. The majority 102; 69.8% of documents written in collaboration, and 44; 30.1% documents scripted by single or solo authors. Out of 146 papers, the literature (85; 58.2%) of papers published by five countries, and the remaining 61; 41.7% documents contributed by 26 countries out of 31 countries. Conclusion: Education has power to move society towards science and technology. This study revealed that, the ultimate goal of library professionals is to save the time of reading through the ease of system with educational programs, instead of this the subject got lase attention among the eyes of library professionals.